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Tips to crack multiple choice questions ( MCQs )

TIPS TO CRACK Multiple Choice Questions APPLIED FOR ALL MCQS BASED EXAMINATIONS  Dealing with MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS is an art and to get a seat in entrance examinations, you have to be a master in it.  According to my personal experiences I am giving you a few tips that may be of help while attempting the Multiple Choice Entrance Exams.  These tips apply to all the competitions where there is negative marking (up to 1/3rd or ¼Th)  Tip no 1 Try to attempt max questions.  Tip no 2 Give max time to the easiest question. If the first option is a correct one, look at the last option to make sure it is not an "all of the above" option. The same is true for the "none of the above"  Tip no 3 Read every option, even if you are more than 100% sure about the 1st option.  Tip no 4 Try exclusion mechanisms in case of confusion.  Tip no 5 Know anything about the question or the options – leave the question  Tip no 6 can rule out 1 option, try to attempt it.  Tip no 7 Always t...

How to make study simple even for an average student

Study has always been a nightmare for every student

No one wants to skip his favorite TV shows, cricket match, and hangout with friends partying and all like this stuff which is usually forbidden by the parents.

It is also natural for them to behave like this because they are just kids

but my dear this world is not for kids.

It’s full of tough guys who want to win the world with their hard wok and confidence so the rule here is "survival of the fittest"

and my dear you have to survive.


So i am giving you some tips to make study simple and easy. All I need from you is your WILL POWER (the greatest power on earth).

So are you ready.....OK

Tip no 1. Change your thinking about yourself

Think you are the best and you can do it. All you have to do is to change your views about yourself



i will tell you this different way but i need your confidence to get started so be confident

confident like a winner

Tip no 2 . Learn time management

You have limited time.

So you have to be very perfect in your time management

Always make time bound plan for your study,say you have to complete math’s chapter in 1 day and English in 2 days.

Try to do it like that and if you fail to complete the first task in the allotted time don't extend it. Just leave it and proceed to the next task.

Divide the remaining time up to the exams in 2 phases.

give 80% of the total time to phase 1 and rest 20% to phase .
At the end of the phase 1 your preparations should be totally complete as you are ready for the final exams any time after that.

Next 20% should be given for revisions, mock tests, exam rehearsals etc

Tip no 3. Three phase study... Gain more in less time

Read it with full concentration as it’s a bit complicated.

Phase 1

Open the book
read all content of the topic with understanding try to make a story out of it, relevant or irrelevant doesn’t matter but it should help you to remember the topic
for example Mr. blood eats in red and white plates (blood has 3 types of cells , rbc,wbc and platelets.. anything like that .
its just your creativity.
take your time to make some story out of the topic .
After reading close the book try to remember the topic as much as you can
and if possible do it by speaking loudly .
It finishes your phase 1
now you can proceed to another topic (better if another subject) in the same manner.
Initially try to cover 5-6 topics in a day than you can increase gradually.
Also don’t forget to write your story/summary part some where. (May be in your secret note book)

Phase 2

After 5 - 6 days try to recollect what you read that day.
Remember that story.
Write all the important points about that topic.
Don’t worry if you remember only a few points.
Now take a marker (should be of light color only) and read the topic again (faster this time). Mark all the points which you think are important.
After reading close the book and try to write all the important points it ends phase 2.
Repeat this procedure for other topics in the same way

Phase 3

5 - 6 days after the phase 2 sit again, remember again and write again.
Open the book take another marker (darker this time) but now read only the marked portion (faster again) and mark the most important keywords among the already marked portion with the darker marker.
It completes phase 3

Now make a routine .
open the book every week or fortnight take a look at all the marked portion and this way you will save a lot of time and cover a lot of portion

But remember my dear our goal is not to cut time for study it’s for saving time for more study

Because we have "limited time and unlimited course" to cover

Tip no 4 secret note book

Always maintain a note book
I call it daily revision book.
Don’t make separate note books for different subjects, but make separate sections in the same one
Now, the content part. Don’t write too much.
Try to be as concise as possible and a good method is to write story part (remember tip no 3) or the summary of the topic in your own words.
Write all the related key words or key points about it.
About the keywords make some easy mnemonic or formula to remember it.

Our prime objective of this note book is rapid revision of the syllabus in a very short time.
Mind you if you are taking more than 1/2 hour to revise any topic through this note book it needs editing.
Daily and quick revision should be the goal.
Because if you want better results there is only 1 short cut.
More and more quick revisions.
So make a habit of revising more in less time and soon it will give you the desired results.

Tip no 5 group discussions coming soon
Also read
the right method of preparation
Tips to crack multiple choice questions (MCQs)
PMT / IIT JEE - Preparation tips
PMT/ IIT JEE - tips in the examination hall
PMT / IIT JEE - Some tips just before the test
Importance of old question papers
Importance of coaching in preparation
General tips for students (Hindi)
MD/MS/PG DIPLOMA branch selection tips

If you have any tips or information which you want to share with the world send it to akskhanbl@gmail.com with some description about yourself. we will publish it here so that it can be helpful for others also


  1. Career Tips

    Career education advice recommends that you carefully explore your options before precipitously making a move. Even in the worst circumstance you still have a job and a paycheck. But just men tally turning the corner and recognizing it's time to move on can give your current job a boost, at least temporarily. Take the time to prepare a carefully-crafted transition plan of action so you don't lose sight of where you want to go next and how to get there.

    Education Tips

  2. its encouraging reading d above matter!

  3. I appreciate your hard work in this post nice points mentioned. keep up the good work

  4. it really works....
    v can actuali rmbr dat way very easily.. thanxx a lot...

  5. Very good points
    u hv done hardwork
    really appreciable
    only at one point i feel a difference in thinking
    I think 60% time should be taken to finish the course and rest 40% should be given for revision,rehersal and mock tests because even we understand the contents properly;only by the revision we will be able to vomit it out

  6. thanks...so much.
    really valuable points...........

  7. wow wow wow....... keep up the good work.. its absolutely worthy..

  8. thnx a lot..this helps me as im an aspirin medico n wish to crack aipmt....

  9. Well 'SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.' i totally agree with you especially.

  10. thanks a lot...Keep it up!

  11. Wrіte moгe, thats all Ι hаve to ѕаy.

    Liteгally, it sеems as though yοu геlіeԁ on the video to make youг poіnt.

    Yοu ԁefіnitely κnοw what уoure tаlking
    about, why thrοw awаy your intеllіgence on just posting vіdeos to your
    ωeblοg ωhen уou cоuld be givіng
    us ѕomething еnlіghtening to геаԁ?

    My ωеb-ѕitе; massage days

  12. Itz wii very very helpful for me to achive my goal..........

  13. Yes darwian .we r like finches on galapogas island.survival of fittest

  14. Still worth noting and implementing advice. thank you sir.


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